This website will provide regular news and updates on the English Premier Leagues notorious ‘Big 4’ – Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester United. Hopefully as the site grows and becomes more popular it will expand and more teams will feature (please contact me if you are interested in writing articles for a particular team –, but for now we will concentrate most of our efforts on the teams involved in the race for the title.

Occasionally we will add posts related to other teams, but only when something really important happens and we feel you just have to know about it!
The main editor of the site, know as ‘Football Talk’, wont be revealing which team he supports (for now). We are running a poll to see who readers believe he supports based on his articles, to see if there is any bias towards his beloved team. So please take a moment and submit your vote in the left sidebar.
Over the coming weeks we will be updating the website and adding new features, as well as writing regular posts, so please visit us regularly and get involved in the comment section’s for some good-humoured banter!
Welcome to FOOTBALL TALK – the new website for all things football!
The main aim of this site is to provide regular news and information on the English Premier Leagues notorious ‘Big 4’ – Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester United. I wanted to start a website centred around the world of football, with a particular emphasis on the best league on the planet…the English Premier League, but soon realised i just wouldnt have the time to provide regular updates on all 20 teams. So i took the decision to concentrate my efforts on where i have the most interest….the race for the title.