Tottenham General News
Spurs Players Defy Redknapp Once Again
Match preview for Sunday’s game coming up later but there are a few things we need to touch on first, one stupid, one sad and one exciting. The first is the fact the players went out on their traditional Christmas party after being told by Harry Redknapp, their boss, that he didn’t want them to. So much for the players respecting what the manager says, which makes you wonder just how much authority he has at the club. Maybe his style of putting his arm around someone’s shoulder and being their “mate” has led to the players not really listening to him when he goes against something they want to do.
The Daily Mail ran this story early this morning which I’m sure most of you have seen. Once again, club captain Ledley King was pictured looking worse for wear and to be honest I can’t blame the guy. He’s seen his career ruined by injury and he’s recently had a driving ban for speeding so all is not rosy in the King garden.
More importantly though is the fact even though they all earn stupid amounts of money, not one of them has any fashion sense!! Thankfully, Huddlestone didn’t go out in one of the cardigans his nan knitted for him last Christmas but his leg brace didn’t really go with his black faded jeans. There was a lot of jeans and jackets which is maybe the fashion but I can’t help but think of Jeremy Clarkson when I see someone wearing them.
Ok, joking apart, is this really the way spurs players should be behaving nowadays? Is Redknapp right to suggest they shouldn’t be drinking at all or is that a little draconian and they’re all adults (just) so should be able to regulate themselves? Personally the thing that really gets me is the fact a large proportion of our first 11 have gone against everything their manager has said which shows a huge lack of respect and that’s worrying. I also don’t understand why they can’t hold a party somewhere private? Surely one of them has a house large enough to accommodate everyone where the snapping cameras wouldn’t be? There’s nothing wrong with relaxing and bonding as a team, but there’s a time and a place and respecting what your boss says should be priority number one.
News also broke this morning of the tragic death of Ralph Coates at the tender age of 64. Coates joined us from Burnley and initially struggled to fit in and find the form that encouraged us to sign him but he scored the winner in the 1973 League Cup final and didn’t look back from there. He played 248 games for us, scoring 24 goals.
If you were lucky enough to spend some time in the hospitality suites at White Hart Lane you’ll have seen Coates working on match days as a host. Always happy to meet and greet any fan, Coates was a firm favourite at Spurs and Burnley. He will be missed. RIP.
Finally, to end this short update on a happier note, the draw for the last 16 of the Champions League was made earlier with us once again making the trip to the San Siro but this time to face AC Milan. Far from the easiest draw but at this stage of the competition you’re unlikely to get easy. AC Milan will be by far our toughest match yet but they’re an ageing team and have poor full backs which could fall right into our style of play. Fingers crossed anyway.
So, it’s one of Europe’s big names and a team we met and beat on the way to our 1972 UEFA Cup win. Coincidently that was also Ralph Coates first season at Spurs. Life has a funny way of making you think, “hmmm, that’s a sign”.
Submitted by THFC1882