Arsenal Are Up For It, But What About The Manager?
Alright, so we ****’d up at the DW stadium, and in all honesty we lost yet another opportunity to gain ground on United. Now before you guys read this post, let me tell you, that neither am I angry at the players of Arsenal nor at their approach. But if I am angry it’s about the fact that the person who manages the team has seriously made some ridiculous decisions…
Wenger, as we Arsenal fans know, is the reason for the clubs success in terms of management, and financial health. He has a master’s degree in economics, and another degree in electrical engineering. He is known for building up teams, and developing players. He also known for encouraging youth in Football. But if you ask me personally, I don’t feel the guy really knows a lot about tactics as compared to Mourinho, Guardiola, or even for that matter SAF.
You see, most of us have an idea of who to play where, and where to play whom. Before the game you can picture the pitch in front of you, the formation starts forming in your head, and you know which players go where. Clichy left-back, Djourou Cb, so-an-so forth. But in all honesty that’s not enough is it. I mean sometimes you just have to tell some players that you have to do this and this, you know define each players role in the game. For eg. One can tell Song to sit in the middle of the park, and defend, one can tell Nasri to play on the right, and track back to help Sagna etc. Now lets back to the crux of the article..
Firstly, I don’t understand why AW played a different team, yeah he did give us an explanation, but that was a really-really sad excuse. United and Chelsea played the same teams and even they had an interval of 48 hours between them. Now I would even understand this logic if we played at home where the fans can get behind the players if they falter. But no, AW decided to choose a team with 8 changes. Yeah, of course you will require some amount of changes, and nobody’s arguing with you, but 8 changes?
I yet don’t know who our CB partnership will be, but as far as I can see it should not be Koscielny-Squillaci! We should have just played the usual formation of 4-2-3-1, with Diaby and Jack/Denilson in the sweeper roles, and Nasri upfront. The right-wing should have been occupied by Theo, and the left by Arshavin. Upfront one could choose between RVP and MC29, but I’d go for the former. The defense should have been kept in tact as the one we played against Chelsea.
Now whats done is done, so we were leading at half-time. At this point, I really don’t understand why the boss never made any changes, I mean Jack had already come on, so all he had to do is take of Nikko, and put in RVP, and replace TR7 and Eboue with Nasri, and Theo. Lets all face it, these guys really make up the Arsenal team, and while we led 2-1 at half-time, they could have come on and really make a difference. We could have sealed the match, if these guys were brought on sooner.
You see, I’m a Gooner, and I have a right to get pissed, and so do you. Now there are some situations in which mangers get their tactics completely wrong, and we all know there are….for eg. The tactics which SAF used against Barcelona in the UCL final, or the ones which Mourinho used against Guardiola, but the flaw in yesterdays game was not in a tactical sense, but just simple sense and logic. You will never see managers like SAF, Mouriho make such stupid mistakes. Are Arsenal players very weak, that they can’t play 2 matches in a span of 3 days, when United and Chelsea players, who if I may add are “not youthful,” can do it. Is the side inexperienced that they cannot handle 2 matches in 3 days. Nobody is asking you to play the same team, but just 1 or 2 changes, maximum 3 should do it. Yeah, some of you will say we have the Carling Cup next month, but that’s against Ipswich, so who are we kidding. Yesterday’s team should have been played against Ipswich incase players had to be given a rest. Our FA Cup tie is against Leeds, United Clash with Liverpool, and we with Leeds. So even if the matches are played 1 day after another, the boss should have enough fire-power to go through to the next rounds of these respective cups. Sometimes its AW’s tactics which make us lose points, and sometimes this, God whats next???
It’s yet another opportunity gone, another one. I mean, come on…we can be compared to the fat-kid who is trying to climb the stairs and stumbles every few steps. I mean its like AW equalizes whatever he has done for us outside the pitch with whatever he has done inside in the last few years. Now I’m not being negative as I sincerely belive that we can win and do really well this year. I will never lose faith in my club, and truthfully whatever I have written are facts about the club. We are not playing well, due to some stupid decisions by our manager. No I am not going to call for sacking Wenger, because that is not the solution. If you thought this article is about sacking the guy, then buzz off, because what AW has done is not measurable, its like that damn MasterCard ad: Priceless..
I am pissed at my managers decisions, and as a Gooner I have all right to be, I believe in my team, and shall never lose faith in Arsenal. But if you ask me about my manager, ”its a different situation altogether”…[ in a tactical sense ].