2 Points Lost or 1 Point Gained?
4.50pm on Saturday the 05 February 2011. As a gooner my hair was being torn asunder. Phil Dowd had been called all the sins under the sun plus some that even I didn’ know existed or for that matter knew the meaning of!
The Mick McCarthy prayer Matt was rolled out and blessings and sacrifices made to the soccer gods. 2011 was all of a sudden taking an unnecessary, world against us, referee against us downturn.
Now, however, hindsight has kicked in. The 10p on Bet365 prospered a Wolves win. Torres saw what Liverpool can do and Phil Dowd’s ears I feel were burnt enough from Wilshere’s tweet.
Yes I still feel there were 2 harsh of harsh penalties, but hey if it were not for 2 harsh penalties in Arsenal’s favour the F.A. cup would have been buried in the annals of another close run thing and second best in the hunt for trophies. Diaby was sent off for retaliation, I can see that but Barton and Nolan’s tackling was atrocious but hey Vieira was no saint in the Arsenal Red.
We defended badly, but for only one of the goals (Tiote’s volley was that 1 in 30 that hits right – Saturday was that 1 – bugger) which shows how much Djourou’s new found consistency was missed. So 10 men including the ‘pace of a snail ‘Squillaci, 2 harsh penalties, some might say karma!!! I say ‘oh double bugger’. YET we gained a point on the league leaders, we are still in all 4 competitions, a club not in any debt and still have match time to fulfill all goals.
I feel it was a well earned draw…So fellows do you feel for Arsenal it is 2 points dropped or 1 point gained?