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What’s the moral status of gambling according to the Bible?

Is gambling a sin?  This is a question that is increasingly triggering Christians as gambling has made its way into the everyday lives of many people.


Is gambling a sin?  This is a question that is increasingly triggering Christians as gambling has made its way into the everyday lives of many people, either as a fun and entertaining activity or as a more formal, income-generating activity. Or even as an addictive behaviour, from a far more darker perspective. And this concerns sports betting as well, which for many is not an act of gambling, but an application of skills and competencies! And while as a punter, you can have All Your Sports Betting Needs Met at, you might still consider the implications of gambling on your Christian disposition.

As gambling is becoming more widespread, concerns about its moral underpinning and ethical status are increasing. This is especially the case for many Christians, who are particularly interested in finding what the Bible says about gambling and whether it considers gambling to be a sin.

What the bible says

There are two different perspectives to analyse in that manner. First, if we consider gambling to be an addiction, which implies that one is addicted to it, having a psychological or pathological attachment to gambling, then it is true that we can say that the Bible considers it a sin. How is that? The Bible recognizes as a sin the love for money and greed. So, if gambling is an addiction, caused or endured by one’s love for money, then it could be considered a sin. But it should be clear that there is no particular reference to gambling as a sin within the Bible. Instead, the Bible provides a set of principles for guidance, that help us understand what can be considered a sin and what not.

The Bible generally appraises hard work and contentment, but disregards quick-wealth and dishonest, inconsistent ways of getting rich. So, it is perfectly ok to be a hard worker, have a strong work ethic and struggle for survival, but it is not all-the-way acceptable to quickly earn wealth, become rich out of the blue and submit to the power of money. If gambling is thought of as a way of getting rich quickly and not as a hard work, then it is probably not within the boundaries of what is recognized and accepted as a Christian thing to do. Being into money is not a good thing and it is far from being close to God – in fact, when one is focused and dedicated to making money and becoming rich, then he is most likely away from what Christianity preaches and from the will of God. This is because the Bible suggests that money should be the means to an end, the way to pursue a noble purpose and not the end itself.

Then it is the second perspective, based on which our understanding of gambling is not as a vicious and immoral act. Gambling can also be seen as fun, entertaining, recreational and rewarding and it can be perceived as a positive activity that provides people the chance to have a good time, to play and entertain themselves and earn money in the meanwhile. If that is what gambling is all about, or if this is how it is treated by gamblers, then can it be called a sin?

Most probably not. The Bible nowhere condemns joy, entertainment or fun and as such there can’t be any claim that gambling -if perceived within these boundaries – is a sin or an act that is in any way against God. If gambling is free from any addiction, free from any compulsive behaviour and of course free from any pathological underpinning (problem gambling) then why should it be a subject of debate when it comes to the Bible or when it comes to judging whether it is a sin or not?

Gambling and sports betting should not be framed and defined through the lenses of our religious beliefs, but through our own judgements and our own experiences, always in relation to how they are perceived in our lives. If gambling is an addiction and it is born out of our love for money, then it can be seen as a sin – based on our understanding from the Bible. But if gambling is a fun and joyful activity, then it should not be regarded as such.

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