Commercial Sense vs Passion Debate: Liverpool FC Leaving Anfield
It’s the debate that still rages on amongst Liverpool fans. Whether we should stay at Anfield or whether we should leave sometime soon. I’m tackling the arguments for and against each of them.
I partially disagree with what they say, I think that we should definitely move to a new ground, however we definitely shouldn’t sell the naming rights to someone else. First reason, can you seriously imagine our ground being called the Profitable Plots Ground (although they have just turned bankrupt, only company that came to my mind). It completely takes away all respect that we have for the ground.
In the 70s and 80s, players were all intimated by the ground, they were also excited to be playing there. Andy Gray himself, talked about how exciting the prospect was of playing at Anfield. It’s more than a name, it’s a home.
As for leaving Anfield, I think that Liverpool have been lagging behind Manchester United and Arsenal in particular because of our persistence in wanting to redevelop Anfield. Anfield is where we had so many memories, where we won so many of those cups. But we must look at Arsenal’s example (leaving Highbury) and do the same.
Economically-wise, it makes Liverpool a more sustainable club for the future, along with that, it means that more Liverpool fans get to watch home games. What Liverpool fan can’t be for that? If you want a way to take the club forward, it’s this.
Submitted by Two Liverpool Fans