Man Utd General News
Back To The Basics, Please
Written by The United Religion.
There is nothing worse than seeing a professional athlete commit an elementary error – and Manchester United has two very guilty players.
John O’Shea and Patrice Evra, who have both faced just criticism for their sub par performances so far this season, have been culpable of very careless, gaffes, which undermines United’s stuttering start to the season.
When a team is committing these type of intolerable blunders, then it is imminent that are not focusing on the tasks at hand, which ultimately lead to unfavorable results.
Having been warned on three different occasions in the first-half, O’Shea, who takes a good portion of the throw-ins for United, committed a foul throw. To be honest, this lapse in judgment by Sheasy is almost down right inexcusable, because it is definitely not rocket science to prevent this offense.
While standing on – or behind – the touchline and facing the field of play; then with both feet on the ground and both of your hands on the ball, a player should bring the ball – with both hands – behind their head; and with one fluent movement, s/he throws the ball into the direction of their choice.
It is harder explaining in words than it is to actually perform, so why is it that these professional athletes continue to make this comical error? Easy, carelessness. To be fair to him, O’Shea is not alone and it happens quite frequently at the top levels, but for some reason or another, the referee does not always blow his whistle.
Now Evra’s mistake may not have been as glaring as O’Shea’s was, but, being French he should know that cheating – in any way, shape or form – is never acceptable.
As we all know, big Zat Knight stuck out a lucky leg to get a fortunate flick to direct ball into the far post, but, realistically, it should have all been prevent if it was properly defended.
With Edwin van der Sar in a decent position, Evra’s duty was always to protect the area he is unable to get to at the back post, but instead, the full-back stood directly in back of him, and even though he made a valiant attempt to keep the shot out, it still managed to squirm inside the post. Besides not clinging to his post for dear life, there were two things that makes Evra’s mistake that much more harder take.
As an athlete, you are always taught that is easier to run forward then it is to run backwards and to stay on the balls of your feet so you are ready to anticipate anything that may come your way. Hindsight is, if the weak effort was to get passed VDS, then an anxiously-awaiting Evra could have sprinted forward and cleared the ball off the line, but we all know that was far from actuality.
Both of the mistakes by both Evra and O’Shea were equally as costly, because they put United under unnecessary pressure, but knowing that they are professional athletes and they will accept and learn from their mistakes makes it somewhat easier to take.
With that said, Manchester United is being scrutinized, after their fourth draw in their last seven games, and if these school boy slip-ups don’t stop, then they will certainly be forced to watch other clubs lift the trophies they desire.