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Liverpool Respond To Injunction As Hicks Seeks $1.6b In Damages

Liverpool owners Hicks & Gillett

Written by John Toher Friends of Liverpool FC

That Tom Hicks simply will not go away. Associated Press claim that Hicks & Gillett have obtained a restraining order in a Texas court, blocking the sale of Liverpool FC to NESV by Martin Broughton following yesterday’s London High Court ruling that a sale could take place.

Hicks and Gillette claim the sale is “an epic swindle and undervalues the club by hundreds of millions of pounds.” They only ‘paid’ Rick Parry £230 millio for our club 3 years ago so thats another lie. Hicks is also claiming $1.6 billion in damages for his percieved loss of revenue from the impending sale of the club to John Henry.
The Liverpool board plus Mr. Henry were locked in negotiations since 8pm on Wednesday evening. Let us hope they succeed, lets also hope that hated Hicks looses out again.


“Following the successful conclusion of High Court proceedings today, the boards of directors of Kop Football and Kop Holdings met tonight and resolved to complete the sale of Liverpool to New England Sports Ventures.

“Regrettably, Thomas Hicks and George Gillett have tonight obtained a Temporary Restraining Order from a Texas District Court against the independent directors, Royal Bank of Scotland PLC and NESV to prevent the transaction being completed.

“The independent directors consider the restraining order to be unwarranted and damaging and will move as swiftly as possible to seek to have it removed.

“A further statement will be made in due course.”

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