Why do they even let him speak????
Written by : armourysquare
Emmanuel Adebayor’s comments on The Arsenal :
“With the great new players we’ve got we have a wonderful chance to make history.
“But it’s all about results. If we can win ten games in a row, people will class Manchester City as bigger than Arsenal.”
Later on, he went on to say why he loves Shitty so much :
“It’s because I showed the fans my hunger, passion and I showed my love for the club,” he added.
“Ultimately, the fans just want to see that and feel it inside their bodies.”
Dear Mr. Adebayor,
You must really have no shame. Is this the way you talk about a club which has brought you so much fame and popularity? It’s just sad that no sooner do players reach their stage of ‘fame’ than they scorn the path they took to reach it. In the season you had with Shitty, you managed around 14 goals after making 31 appearances. And honestly, it’s quite sad for you,given the amount of opportunities you have had. But you probably over-achieved, so its fine by me…..I notice that every time you talk about Arsenal, you blame the fans. But my question to you is, what have the fans done wrong? If you pay to watch a player, and the player does not play well, then what do you expect. We fans love our players, and we show immense respect for them. All we ask is for good performance, and moreover an effort on the pitch, to make the club progress. In your case, you gave neither to Arsenal, so that’s why we booed you. .
Frankly every Gooner wants an effort to be put in by the Gunners on the pitch. Why were we so pissed at Arsenal when we were thrown out of the Champions league by Manchester United? The reason is because they never tried in that match. Lets be honest here, a player like Eduardo couldn’t give the same to Arsenal after February 2008, but why do we love him so much? Its because when that Croatian dude stepped onto the pitch, he gave all he could. This is what you said about us before the match in which you gave your famous Usain Bolt sprint :
What is good at City is the fans. They love you. Arsenal have a lot of fans who are not fans,” Adebayor said. “Arsenal have fans from America and Jamaica. Today they are Arsenal fans, tomorrow they will be Liverpool fans, after tomorrow they will be Manchester United fans.
“If you boo your player every weekend, I am very sorry, you are not true fans. It hurt me a lot. That was the most difficult moment of my career.”
In other words you are calling us all whores. That we change our support every single day of the week. But correct me if I am wrong here, are you not the one who went from London to Manchester? And as far as I can remember, clubs in Manchester whether the Blue or Red half, are our rivals, aren’t they?…so you get why I am dumbstruck that you call us whores. I mean here you say that one day we support Arsenal and next Liverpool or United, and then you switch clubs to Manchester City…what an inspiration!
Another thing that I wanted to ask you is the sudden mention of the words ‘bigger than Arsenal’ in your quote. I’m a bit confused. Manchester City has become a very good club, that we all know, (even a poor kid on the road can buy a Mercedes if you gave him the money) but why does the above ”phrase” have to be included in your quote. I mean, there are 18 other teams in the Premier League to choose from and many more in the world, but why Arsenal. Do you miss the club, and wish to have a dig at it constantly to convince yourself that you did not make a mistake when going to City or do you feel insecure, that you wont start in City and that you shall spend majority of the season ‘warming’ the bench…
You kicked RVP in the face. And not only that, in the same match, after scoring against us, you actually ran all the way to the stand where the Gooner’s were sitting. I bet you never ran that much in your life when you were an Arsenal player.
Either you have some issues with us or Mr.Wenger, because you seriously don’t know how to show respect for a club. Respect for ones former club does show a footballers calibre you know. Why don’t you learn to be like Henry i.e the attitude he has towards Arsenal as an ex-gunner.
Whenever there is a draw for Champions League (sighs), I’m in pain, I’m in pain. Some of the guys are like, Thierry, what about playing Arsenal?! I’m like, yeh, yeh,’ll be great..riiight.
I’m not saying I won’t try to fight or whatever because that’s the way the game is. But I don’t want to play against Arsenal, it would be weird for me to step on the pitch even if it’s the Emirates and not Highbury with another shirt on. Psshh.
On asked if he would CELEBRATE IF HE SCORED, the master said :
Oh, forget about it. No. I told you, when there is a draw, I’m in pain. I do not want to play against Arsenal, it’s as simple as that.
The bond that I have with the Arsenal fans I will never get anywhere else because I don’t think i will ever play for another team for that long.
Lastly, I do not ask for an apology but just request you to refrain from saying all this crap in the future. People may take you to be mad for some reason or the other. City greater than the Arsenal, is truly a nice joke to tell children. At least thank you for that, guess you’re not that useless after all…
PS: I wait for you on 4th Jan at the Emirates, lets just see the ”bigger” club.